midday dusk, smoke confusion, wind-tossed shadows bounce on the forest floor, sun’s a faint orange disc in a roiling sky and i follow the fire, packing the jerry-can on bootsoles nearly melted, on soil that still smokes past a bush, burning, but no orders from god this day
we who live here can’t explain what we’re doing leaving at down towards a lazy pillar of smoke and when we return sixteen hours later billowing clouds of ash are elbowing each other out of the sky you guys playing with matches out there teenage boys shout or what? or what: the fire moves, toward town, then away, grows its own wind, turns and crosses the new burn, eats as much bark as it can, leaving sappy wood charcoal-carved like grinding molars or indigo cobblestones on hell’s highway, useless even for firewood unless you wash the soot off your hands each time. these burned snags will stand a long time—some of us will be in the ground before weather and wind make them lie down.
i have miles to go before i burn—wonder why you never hear of forest fires back east. bone-tired, i push ahead through the half-light, yelled at when i stop not by the crew boss but by the looming blaze itself yeah come on, follow me, if you get close enough i’ll take you too then in a moment turned, awry, confused, no way out skin reddened, blistered, charred raw, breath stolen equipment softening in the torching heat.
Geoff Bowman
For Suze Woolf August 2015