Photo of Suze Woolf artist book

photo of Suze Woolf artist book

Photo of Suze Woolf artist book

While Artist-in-Residence in Great Basin National Park I found myself picking up bits of human detritus--rusted
cans, cow bones, beer bottles, etc. as well as natural scraps--dead leaves, bark, and so forth.

I also stopped at the Oak Springs BLM Trilobyte site finding rebar as well as fossils. As I journeyed home
I stopped at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge finding feathers and shotgun shells. I was struck by the contrast
and painted a series of these objects. I then made the paintings into this book; so of course the covers had to be
both human and natural! Sean Petrie of Typewriter Rodeo wrote a brief poem for each panel, which I included on
semi-transparent overlays for each page.

You can see/hear a video of the book and those poems on Vimeo:

First frame of video about Suze Woolf artist book

Book Details

Unique, not editioned
Nevada Still Lifes: Accordion-fold, Ponderosa bark, smoked grey acrylic sheet, iron-oxide-dyed cotton, watercolor paintings, abaca
fiber paper with brown alcohol ink hand-lettering
11.125"H x 81"W open, 11.125"H x 9.125"W x 4"D closed